About Me

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My Name is Travis Evans. I have been married since 2007 to my wife, Kira Evans. We have a Three girls, Kenzie Lou, Jacee Pink, and Emmy Jeanne. My wife has been doing the blog thing for a few years now, you can follow her comments @ travisandkiraevans.blogspot.com. Her blog covers our family and things we have done. Me, I'm going to cover what I call TKDesign. TKDesign is an idea which stands for creativity, execution, purpose, and family. Family with the "TK." TK gets its roots from a high school love story. A simple representation of two teenagers love, T+K. In our later years we dropped the "+" and now "TK" represents us, our family, and our values. Design, as the English dictionary defines it; to create, fashion, execute or construct according to plan, to have a purpose, to devise for a specific function or end, to make a drawing. We can sum up the definition with these three words; Creativity, Execution, and Purpose. You put these four things together; Family, Creativity, Execution, and Purpose and you have the idea of TKDesign. So you'll get my thoughts on sports, cars, designs, and my family. So if that Interests you feel free to read on!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Deck- Day 3

Today started off as just being a cleanup day. Dad brought the trailer over so I could start loading it up. I didn't have a ton of scrap because a side from a few peices it is still in ok shape. (I'm planning on using it for shelves in the garage and attic). Then when I was cleaning I felt if the back wall was completely gone it would be faster, you'll tell yourself anything to start tearing things apart. So after that wall came down Kenzie and I filled up the trailer. Then amazingly enough there was still day light to be had. So the result form the perfect storm is we now own a bungalow hut with just one standing wall.

Kenzie was a big helper putting all the trash trailer today.

A few angles looking at the progress!

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