About Me

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My Name is Travis Evans. I have been married since 2007 to my wife, Kira Evans. We have a Three girls, Kenzie Lou, Jacee Pink, and Emmy Jeanne. My wife has been doing the blog thing for a few years now, you can follow her comments @ travisandkiraevans.blogspot.com. Her blog covers our family and things we have done. Me, I'm going to cover what I call TKDesign. TKDesign is an idea which stands for creativity, execution, purpose, and family. Family with the "TK." TK gets its roots from a high school love story. A simple representation of two teenagers love, T+K. In our later years we dropped the "+" and now "TK" represents us, our family, and our values. Design, as the English dictionary defines it; to create, fashion, execute or construct according to plan, to have a purpose, to devise for a specific function or end, to make a drawing. We can sum up the definition with these three words; Creativity, Execution, and Purpose. You put these four things together; Family, Creativity, Execution, and Purpose and you have the idea of TKDesign. So you'll get my thoughts on sports, cars, designs, and my family. So if that Interests you feel free to read on!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Garage - Day 20

It's here...Day 20 is here! So you're probably thinking what's the big deal about Day 20. Well it only marks the last day of concrete pouring before Travis can start framing! So we'll just cut to the case and show you some pictures.

(More big trucks)

(Such a cutie)

(Almost there...)

(Smooth as a babies' bottom)

(It's done... Now its my turn!)

So sandwiched inbetween moving the Chinn Family (Kira's oldest sister) and our annual 4th of July party (also Kira's family) I will start framinig my garage this week... I'll keep you posted!

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