About Me

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My Name is Travis Evans. I have been married since 2007 to my wife, Kira Evans. We have a Three girls, Kenzie Lou, Jacee Pink, and Emmy Jeanne. My wife has been doing the blog thing for a few years now, you can follow her comments @ travisandkiraevans.blogspot.com. Her blog covers our family and things we have done. Me, I'm going to cover what I call TKDesign. TKDesign is an idea which stands for creativity, execution, purpose, and family. Family with the "TK." TK gets its roots from a high school love story. A simple representation of two teenagers love, T+K. In our later years we dropped the "+" and now "TK" represents us, our family, and our values. Design, as the English dictionary defines it; to create, fashion, execute or construct according to plan, to have a purpose, to devise for a specific function or end, to make a drawing. We can sum up the definition with these three words; Creativity, Execution, and Purpose. You put these four things together; Family, Creativity, Execution, and Purpose and you have the idea of TKDesign. So you'll get my thoughts on sports, cars, designs, and my family. So if that Interests you feel free to read on!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

2013 Pumpkins - Mazzei Injector and Growth update!

So... I bought this new price to inject fertilizer in my sprinklers lines. I'll spare all the details but it took 5 interactions to get it to work. What finally worked was getting a pressure regulator valve and reducing my main line PSI from 100 to 40. Now the injector sucks like a champ! I'm told by Kyle Fox its worth it and he almost promised me a personal best.

The plant is looking good and I have a blossom that is probably 2 days out to being ready to pollinate. Too soon but I've got the champ sitting out 14ft and the size or a marble. It should be ready by my estimation on June 29th. Hat would be perfect. Wish me luck!

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