Kira took her NCLEX examination on Monday morning. The test is a reactive test were the more questions you get correct the harder they get. The goal to pass is to stay above the passing curve. If you drop below you have to work your way back up. There was a possibility of 265 questions and a minimum amount of 75. You could be there an hour or you could be there for six hours. Well, that is what Kira what Kira tells me anyways. Then they can check on the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licencing Licensee Look up and Verification System to see if they have become a registered nurse (a state website). The system updates the following day around 11pm. So yesterday night she was getting very anxious and nervous to see if she passed. I volunteered to check for her. So at 10:58pm I tried checking on my phone and the site wasn't updating. So Kira hoped on her phone to check...

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